Facility/Field and Equipment Safety (St. Columban SC)

PrintFacility/Field and Equipment Safety


All grounds and facilities need to be in good condition for the well-being and safety of participants.  The equipment must also be in good working order.  

St Columban Soccer personnel must inspect the playing surface for all games/practices and training sessions to ensure all hazards or obstacles have been removed, (i.e.- glass, bottles, rocks, garbage); benches and goals are in good condition and are at a safe distance from the playing area.  All surfaces should be inspected to ensure they are free from holes, and sprinkler heads.

Equipment is to be inspected daily, including balls, goals, nets, and training equipment.

Any issues or concerns are to be reported to the appropriate Club Administrator/Municipality via email to [email protected]


BLOOD- Any athlete that has an open wound or is bleeding, or has any blood on their uniform will be directed to leave the game until the bleeding is controlled, the wound is completely covered, the uniform appropriately cleaned or changed before they can return to the field.

JEWELRY- Players are not permitted to wear anything that is dangerous to themselves or other players. NO JEWELRY including rings, bracelets, (exception for medical alert bracelets which must be covered in a soft material) earrings, necklaces, or other visible body piercing.  Taping of jewelry is not acceptable.

HEADSCARF AND TURBAN- The October 2nd, 2012 decision of the International Football Association Board (IFAB) regarding Headscarves comes into effect as such:

  • They must be black or same main color as shirt
  • They must be in keeping with the professional appearance of the players equipment
  • They cannot be dangerous to the player wearing it or any other player
  • They cannot have any parts extending out from the surface

CAST- Players may not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous to anyone.  Modern protective equipment made of soft, lightweight, padded materials are not considered dangerous and are permitted.  Hard casts are considered to pose a danger to both the player and others and are not permitted. Padding a hard cast does not reduce the element of danger.  The Match Official will make the final decision as to the acceptability of any cast.

PLAYER INSULIN PUMP- A player wearing an insulin pump due to a medical condition is permitted to play providing they have received written medical clearance.  The pump itself must not present a danger to the player or any other player.