Jul 17, 2013 | Linda Feeney | 1174 views
Year End Wrap up
U4, U6, U8, U10, U12 TEAMS
Parents – The St. Columban soccer year-end wrap-up night will be Monday, July 29, 2013 for the U4, U6, U8, U10 and U12 teams. The teams will play their games as scheduled. The U10 & U12 teams will play each other or will have a child/parent game.
Jerseys MUST BE returned that night and you will get your uniform deposit cheque returned. Cheques WILL BE cashed if the jersey is not returned that evening. Parent Reps will have a list of players to ensure jerseys are returned.
Hotdogs and drinks will be available for a small donation. Food will be available starting at
6 p.m.