Jun 19, 2018 | Lexi Smith | 491 views
Home Game vs Wingham
A solid team effort from the U15 boys lead them to a 6-1 victory over Wingham. Kody O'Rourke opened the scoring after successfully converting a penalty kick. A few minutes later Nate Earl put one in the back of the net with assists coming from Brayden Gridzak and Joe Hill.
To end the second half Connor Lockhart and Brayden Vosper also found the back of net with support from Kyle Isler, Brett Poirier, and Kase Schoonderwoerd. Heading into the second half with a 4-0 lead our defence Bennett Smith, Owen Cronin, Gavin Ricard, Jack Dolmage and Basal Voros all played strong to deny Wingham from many scoring opportunities but they were able to get one past our goalie Josh Bedour on a corner kick. However, our team was not done yet and Dominic Voros who usually plays centre defence took one shift on forward and scored two goals for us to give us a 6-1 final. It was a dominant game where St. Columban came out on top once again, up next week we face Goderich on our home pitch.